
We help each of our clients to accumulate wealth in the most tax efficient manner in line with their specific financial objectives. This accumulation of wealth is a uniquely individual process. Once accumulated, this wealth will be protected through a variety of strategic preservation planning processes in readiness for eventual distribution or utilisation. 

Build Your Wealth

Investment Services

Accumulation of Wealth does not happen by chance. It is developed from an astute planning process that incorporates:

The bespoke Wealth accumulation plans that we design maximise flexibility, access and are inherently tax efficient.

Successful Wealth Management is therefore achieved by a combination of professional investment management and strategic financial planning.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Investment Services that underpin this journey must be applied with a deep understanding of client expectations and potential outcomes.


Financial Planning Services

To quote Aristotle: “The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.

This is perfectly true for the art that is Financial Planning.

The blend of leading edge Technology, Holistic Financial Planning and Institutionally priced Investment solutions allied to comprehensive reporting discipline delivers a fully cohesive integrated service proposition to clients.

Discretionary Investment Management Services

The Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM) service has the remit to undertake day to day investment decisions within an agreed investment strategy.  This ensures that portfolio transactions and alterations are undertaken (in real time) as and when market and economic circumstances dictate.  Given the ever increasing and continuing volatility that exists in markets and economies, quick response to market stimuli can be critically important. Discretionary portfolio management therefore delivers a fast moving actively managed portfolio service; which typically performs extremely well relative to risk graded appropriate benchmarks and is fully invested.

CCA will select appropriately from a wide range of professional discretionary fund managers with the opportunity to purchase their services at substantially discounted rates through our selected platforms. Our current preferred DFM services can be accessed intellectually for as little as 0.15% per annum (of portfolio value).           

Tailored Advisory Portfolio Management Services

The Tailored Advisory service is different to the DFM service in that it will need client permissions before any alteration to investment holdings takes place. The nature of these holdings is different to that of the discretionary service in that it is entirely strategic and may not require as much alteration. Holdings are selected on the basis of key macro or microeconomic trends, market themes and fund manager track record and these investments may be held for an extended period of time.

 The Advisory portfolio will deliver a highly cost efficient combination of Passive and Active investment management delivered predominantly through the medium of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Investment Trusts (IT). The inherent low charging efficiency of these models allied to the capture of continuous dividend income and wide reaching asset allocation, will aim to deliver risk graded returns in excess of the market. These portfolios are usually fully invested and rebalanced following formal review.

CCA have access to every fund management group and collective fund at discounted institutional rates through our selected platforms. Our current preferred ETF and IT holdings can be acquired at nil initial costs and low annual management charges.

Alternative Investments

Alternative investments is a fairly broad term for any investable asset that falls outside the traditional asset classes of equities, bonds, property and cash.

It can include AIM listed stocks, structured products, works of art, antiques or even wine.

City Capital concentrate our efforts largely in the specialist area of Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) to take advantage of the significant tax  breaks available and general asset diversification from core asset classes.

Investment Platforms

What is a Platform?

An investment or fund ‘platform’ is not a product, but essentially an administrative service which delivers asset management functionality.

It enables investors to buy investments simply online - usually at a discounted cost – and combine them into one manageable account. The investments purchased are held on the platform in a range of ‘wrappers’, or types of investment, such as ISA’s, Unit Trusts, Investment Bonds and Pensions. A range of funds and shares from literally hundreds of fund managers can be held.

The platform then enables the adviser to establish and hold client investments online all in one place, with a degree of flexibility to switch investments within and between available tax wrappers as your life changes without having to incur additional set-up costs.

Advisory firms who use a platform have the capacity to tailor investment solutions specifically for their clients across a vast range of funds, product providers and product types. Platforms enable advisers to have round the clock access to clients’ entire portfolios, allowing them to provide an efficient and comprehensive service to better that of their more restricted competitors.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a complex area and expert independent financial advice can make a big difference to the quality of life you enjoy when you stop work.

Importantly, the use of Pensions as a strategic Remuneration and Investment tool is critical to the management of taxation liability, extraction of funds from companies and development of long term flexible income. We help to maximise the effect of this powerful planning tool.

Pension planning is an inherently complex and highly technical subject. It is not acceptable simply to advise clients of the various contribution limits or “automatic” levels of tax relief potentially available or indeed the standard benefit regime.

It is therefore fundamentally important to discuss the benefits of each and every prospective Pension contribution and how it may impact on your lifestyle as well as on your corporate and personal taxation liabilities.

Investment Planning

Before you make any investment decision, it is important to consider your specific financial objectives.

A clear and fully established set of considerations as outlined below will facilitate a more accurate delivery of your specific objective:

  • Investment timescale
  • Growth or Income requirements
  • Impact of Inflation
  • Impact of Taxation
  • Access requirements
  • Assessment of Risk

Our Strategic portfolio planning service will enable you to meet your own short, medium and long term financial goals, using a combination of efficient plan wrappers and underlying investment structures that best reflect your financial objectives.

Recent legislation on taxation of income also means that the way you invest now has a more direct bearing on your gross income assessment and resultant taxation liabilities.

It is therefore imperative to review both the structure of your investment portfolio (to establish how you might control or reduce new potential liabilities) as well as the performance delivery. 

Protection Planning

Failing to protect against risk can be disastrous.

Do not forget: It was not raining when Noah built the Ark!

Death, illness or inability to work will have a huge impact on your family or business. In extreme circumstances this could lead to the loss of your home or company.

There are a number of protection measures that should be considered to reduce personal and corporate loss. Care should also be taken to apply the correct form of cover to the correct circumstance. There are potential tax benefits on good application and tax consequences for poor application.

Profit Extraction Planning

There are many ways to draw profits from a Business.

Some, such as Salary and Dividend distributions are standard approaches and will be more obvious than others.

But if you think deeply about this area of planning you will soon realise that there is much scope beyond the obvious.

Clever Remuneration Strategies may include a host of further entirely legitimate options, which immediately or eventually add to Personal Wealth. Profit extraction does not have to be immediate for it to be effective.

For example, the introduction of tax efficient employee benefits (with Corporation Tax relief) that are not P11Ds is very beneficial. So too is funding for retirement from Corporate Profits. And what about deferment of income and profit with a view to structured tax efficient retirement via Entrepreneurs Relief?

City Capital prefers to discuss the full range of clients needs to determine how a bespoke plan may improve immediate or deferred net profit extraction for all.